Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Response Question 1

Response Question 1

Q This project is a multi-part semester long project designed for you to develop expertise and apply course concepts in an area that is interesting and relevant to you and sustainability. You will complete a series of assignments that are designed for you to expand your knowledge about your chosen topic as well as connect that knowledge to sustainability (from multiple perspectives) and its relevance to your life, your community, and your world. From your work you will develop: • a persuasive presentation with your specific viewpoint but one that can be discussed/debated/questioned by your classmates • a final paper that demonstrates the knowledge and research you have conducted and written about in your response papers The art and science of persuasion has four major concerns: These are: (1) the impact/actions that one individual has on another individual, (2) the impact/actions that a group/society has on its individual members, (3) the impact/actions that individual members have on the group, and (4) the impact/actions that one group has on another group. These concerns are expressed in work in such areas as attitude-behavior consistency, social influence and persuading. In your final paper and presentations you should be able to demonstrate and appreciate how social and rhetorical variables (verbal and non-verbal) interact in determining individual, group, and societal attitudes and behaviors that can affect positively and/or negatively a sustainable future. To get you started respond to the following questions. In answering the questions, your paper should be written in a narrative format (not just question/answer format) responding to the assignment questions. Remember, each paper builds to the final research paper so work done in each response paper will make your final assignment a success. 1. From the list below (or suggest to me another topic of special interest), indicate the specific area you are most interested in analyzing from a rhetorical and social perspective. You may select a topic you have been involved with before; HOWEVER, YOUR WRITTEN RESPONSES MUST BE ORIGINAL (NOT COPIES OF PREVIOUS WORK TURNED IN FOR ANOTHER CLASS). TO DO SO IS PLAGIARISM AND A VIOLATION OF THE HONOR CODE. Per the syllabus, any violation of the Honor Code is an automatic "F" for the total course, not just your response. You will no doubt have to focus your attention more narrowly; however, the broad topics listed below can start the thought process. Present your topic in the form of a question that can be debated-not one you have a firm opinion about at this point in the semester. The goal is to explore and then come to a position. Topics may include health (however, the topic of body shape, thinness, attractiveness and advertising has been extensively used and, therefore, not a topic for discussion papers this semester unless there is prior approval from me), religion, environment, economy, education, national security, work fairness, political events, gun control, foreign policy, hunger, animal rights, the arts, pandemics. (It will be helpful to refer to the UNCG library database on Opposing Viewpoints for guidance (search:Library-Database-O-Opposing Viewpoints) in selecting a topic or you may want to look at some topics with ethical dimensions discussed in 2. Discuss your relation to this topic—why are you interested in exploring it? Do you/or have you invested significant time to become informed on this topic? If you have no knowledge about the topic, what is stimulating your interest? Be complete in narrating your own interest in relationship to this topic. 3. From your earlier reading of Orr's article on Sustainability, how would you relate it to your topic choice? 4. Identify as many methods/resources/media (but a minimum of 3) you can think of how other persuaders get their influence message out about the topic you are covering for the semester. Please identify your methods as; first,.....second....,third..... When and if identifying electronic media, be specific (blogs, chats, social networks, etc.). In your response: A. Identify three pros and cons for each of the three (electronic, print, leaders) media discussed above. For example, you will have 3 pros and 3 cons for method one, 3 pros and 3 cons for method 2, etc. B. Which methods do you think most effective in getting your attention and getting messages to the general public? This question is not about how you persuade others, but how others (media/leaders) persuade you. 5. At the end of each response should be the statement: "My CST 315 response submitted is original, cited properly and done independently (your name included)" In reading and grading your paper, I will want to see that you have covered each of these questions sufficiently with proper APA citations for 4 points(in text and as a Reference Page) PreviousNext

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